Acceptable Use Policy

This Acceptable Use Policy applies to all services provided by Lawyerdesk Advocacy Pvt Ltd, encompassing its brands Lawyer Desk AI, Advocase, Law Book, Prajalok, Case Work, Moot Court, and Indian School of Law. It is part of the Terms of Service applicable to all aforementioned entities and services ("Services"). All capitalized terms, unless otherwise defined herein, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Terms of Service.

Scope and Application

This policy governs your use of our digital platforms, tools, and services, ensuring they are used responsibly, ethically, and in compliance with applicable laws.

Access and Content Usage

At Lawyer Desk and its associated brands, all content—judgments, laws, opinions, texts, and other legal materials—available or generated on our AI platform is accessible through a credit system. We do not charge directly for the content; instead, credits are required for accessing services that utilize server resources and GPU processing. Each module on our platform demands varying amounts of these resources, reflected in specific credit costs. Users purchase credits to use these modules, helping us cover the operational costs and maintain the high functionality of our services. This approach ensures we can consistently provide reliable and timely legal information tailored to the needs of our users.

User Compliance
  1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
    • Legal and Ethical Compliance: Engage only in activities that comply with both legal requirements and ethical standards applicable to your jurisdiction and professional practice.

    • Respect for Rights: Refrain from activities that infringe on the legal rights of others, including rights related to privacy and intellectual property.

  2. Prohibited Conduct
    • Illegal Activities: Do not promote or participate in illegal activities under any of the Services.

    • Misrepresentation of Content: Specifically avoid misrepresenting AI-generated outputs as human-generated, particularly in legal documentation or advice.

    • Legal Advice Disclaimer: By using this platform, you acknowledge and agree that all content generated by our services is based solely on publicly available information and does not infringe on any copyrights. The generated content is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is your responsibility to consult with a qualified legal expert in your jurisdiction before taking any actions based on such content. You agree that any use of the content provided by any of our services is at your own risk, and you shall not hold us liable for any losses or damages arising from such use. Furthermore, any legal advice provided by lawyers listed on our services is independent of our platform, and we do not maintain any affiliative relationships with such legal professionals. By agreeing to these terms, you explicitly agree not to initiate any legal action against us related to the generated content. Should you breach this agreement by filing a lawsuit, you acknowledge that you are exiting this agreement and will be solely responsible for any resulting consequences.

  3. Operational Integrity
    • System Interference: Avoid interfering with the operational integrity or security of any Services.

    • Unauthorized Use: Do not use the Services for creating competitive products or reverse engineering our solutions.

  4. Intellectual Property and Competitive Practices
    • Infringement Prevention: Ensure your use of the Services does not infringe upon any intellectual property rights.

    • Competitive Restrictions: Do not engage in the development of similar or competitive products or services based on any insights, information, or technology derived from the Services. This includes, but is not limited to, reverse engineering, scraping, or any other form of unauthorized data extraction or utilization aimed at creating similar functionalities.

Enforcement and Amendments

Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary measures, including service termination, legal action, and potential civil or criminal penalties.

Updates and Modifications: This policy may be updated periodically. All users will be notified of significant changes through their registered email or via publication on our websites.


Content Disclaimer:All content on Lawyer Desk and its associated brand platforms are provided for general information or use only and does not constitute legal advice. It should not be relied upon for making (or refraining from making) any decisions. In the event of any omission or discrepancy, the information in the original records should be considered final and binding. Lawyer Desk expressly excludes any warranty, whether express or implied, regarding the site and its contents. Furthermore, Lawyer Desk will not be liable for any damages—including, but not limited to, loss of business, projects, or profits or any other loss —arising from the use of, or inability to use, Lawyer Desk and its associated brand platforms or any of its contents.

External Links & Documents:Despite our diligent efforts, we cannot guarantee that the documents and materials on this site are free from infection by computer viruses or other harmful elements. We provide links to external sites in some documents for your convenience; however, Lawyer Desk is not responsible for the accuracy of contents found on those external sites, nor do these hyperlinks constitute an endorsement of the information, products, or services offered by these sites. Judgments, bare acts, and laws featured on our platform are sourced from the public domain, including []( In case of any variance between what is stated on our site and what is contained in the relevant Acts, Rules, Regulations, Policy Statements, etc., the latter shall prevail.

Copyright Policy:The contents on Lawyer Desk and its associated brand platforms are sourced from the public domain, may not be reproduced partially or fully without duly acknowledging the source. Contents are not to be used in any misleading or objectionable context. Permission to reproduce does not extend to any material identified as copyrighted by a third party. Authorization to reproduce such material must be obtained from the respective copyright owners.

Brand Information
Brand Website Served via
Lawyer Desk Web App
Advocase Web App, Android, iOS
Law Book Android, iOS
Prajalok Android, iOS
Case Work Web App, Android, iOS
Moot Court Android, iOS
Indian School of Law Web App

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